Tuesday, April 20, 2010


All shadows are not equal. The shade of a leafy canopy on a hot day brings relief.  Those of shapes projected on a wall bring delight.

But there are other shadows in the night, the darkness of evil that paralyzes with fear.

The shadow of the Most High dispels that fear.  "Even the darkness is light to Him." In the shadow of the Most High is safety, security, rest.  Psalm 91:1 has been a favorite verse of mine since a minister friend prayed it over us as we moved into our first home.

The shelter of the Almighty is home, like the warm, protective feathers of  a mother hen. Home. Warmth. Comfort.  A safe place. An abiding place.

More than anything else, my spiritual journey has been about learning to abide . . .in the shelter of the Almighty.

I'm still learning.  Will you walk with me a little?

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