George Eliot
There is a space in our basement about six feet wide by six feet tall by four feet deep that we've never seen in the 20 years we've lived here. Never.
It is a homemade walk in freezer with an ancient freezer door locked and tied shut against the curiosity of young children. It was that way when we bought the house and we never went to the trouble to unlock and untie it. The mystery of the unknown gave the house a certain unique character, and kept our children safe from an adventure gone wrong.
There is a space in my heart like that, locked and tied from a child's curiosity, locked and tied out of the fear this child has of looking into it. I'm convinced it is the place from whence those thoughts arise that scare me. The ones that cause me to ask the question, "where did THAT come from?"
Obviously, it came from me. Or somewhere in me that I either don't go to on a regular basis, or deny exists. A place I am afraid of. A place where all the accusations collect that this world hurls at me in its relentless attack upon who I was created to be.
We all have a place like that.
There is a song about those places, and what can happen to our hearts when we stand, not alone, but holding the scarred hand Jesus' offers, and face those thoughts we fear. . .what can happen when we live in the acceptance and experience of God's profound grace and love toward us.
May I share it with you?